Red Oak Lumber available:
4/4 and 5/4 thick (dry measure) kiln dried rough sawn and skip planed boards in FAS, Select and #1 common grades, available in low/medium figure and high figure products.
Quartersawn red oak board widths between 4" - 20"
Riftsawn red oak board widths to 10" wide
Flatsawn board widths to 16" wide (limited availability)
S2S, S3S, S4S, widebelt sanding and custom veneer manufacturing services available
Average board lengths between 8' - 12' long
We have a limited availability of 8/4 stock.
Please call or e-mail us today with your needs!
Some curly quarter and rift sawn red oak from our inventory

We manufacture sawn (not rotary cut) veneer that replicates traditional veneer from the 18th and 19th century. Due to our ability to mill extremely wide quartersawn boards, we feature veneer widths up to 16" (milled from a single board - not spliced).
Typical veneer products
A sample of our inventory, some 16" QSRO veneer with spectacular figure!

Here is an example of our standard QSWO veneer. These leaves are 8-1/2" wide.

Manufacturing sawn veneer with our 16" horizontal resaw

White Oak Lumber available:
4/4 and 5/4 thick (dry measure) kiln dried rough sawn and skip planed boards in FAS, Select and #1 common grades, available in low/medium figure and high figure products.
Quartersawn white oak board widths between 4" - 20"
Riftsawn white oak board widths to 10" wide
Flatsawn board widths to 16" wide (limited availability)
S2S, S3S, S4S, widebelt sanding and custom veneer manufacturing services available
Average board lengths between 8' - 12' long
We have a limited availability of 8/4 stock.
Please call or e-mail us today with your needs!
We custom manufacture wide plank and extremely wide plank quarter and rift sawn flooring to order for discerning customers who want the utmost in a truly unique and spectacular floor.
Our flooring products are approximately 3/8" thick, and designed for a glue-down application using a high quality flooring adhesive over a stable 1" or thicker subfloor.
Quartersawn flooring widths start at 5" and are available up to 11" wide.
Please contact us with your square footage needs for a quote.
Occasionally we have in stock woods other than quartersawn oak. We stock quartersawn sycamore whenever we can obtain large logs.
Some non-oak items currently in stock
Here is an example of a white oak burl slab that we have available. This slab measures 7/4 thick, 16" wide and 34" long. It is offered at 250.00. We have larger slabs available from this same burl.

We have a limited availability of zebrawood, primarily 6" - 9" wide and in lengths from 5' - 12' and 4/4 to 5/4 thick. A portion of it has some internal checking, which we are selling at a discount. The better grade of material is offered at 6.00 per board foot, and the checked material is offered at 3.00 per board foot. The photo below depicts a typical board with checks.

We typically stock green and air dried quartersawn red oak slabs four "Roubo" style workbenches. Inventory varies, but typically includes rough sawn slabs to 5" thick and 20" wide, and S2S slabs at 3-1/2" thick. Please contact us for availability.
Here is a typical quartersawn red oak slab. This one is air dried below 20% MC, sterilized via ammonia fuming, milled at 20" wide and 72" long, and S2S at 3-1/2" thick. It has some spalted wood along one side, some checks and a live edge. There is a void in the middle that extends most of the way through the slab. It is available for 250.00.